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In Serbia, greater incentives for domestic than for foreign investors

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I am glad that we have the opportunity to celebrate this big step forward together, not only for Martini construction as a domestic company, but for our entire economy, said Prime Minister Ana Brnabic at the opening of the new production hall Martini construction in Indjija.
The Prime Minister emphasized that she recognizes the economic growth of Serbia, but also the effort of the state to create conditions in which domestic investors will strengthen.
“We have never made a difference between domestic and foreign investors in Serbia. When foreign investors come to Serbia, then our companies also strengthen. Martini construction was strengthened by building halls for projects of foreign investors in Serbia. The state created conditions for foreign investors to come to Serbia, they needed halls and that’s how the job for Martini’s construction was created,” said Brnabic.
The Prime Minister emphasized that we have domestic companies that are becoming stronger as subcontractors or partners to these foreign investors.
“That is why we changed the law on investments in 2015 or 2016 and equalized foreign and domestic investors. In that way, we helped domestic investors because we enabled them to work as subcontractors to foreign investors,” Brnabic said.
As she says, in the last two weeks, she visited a large number of places in cities and municipalities in Serbia.
“I was a guest of mostly domestic investors. During the entire mandate, I tried to show the citizens how strong family companies and small medium-sized companies we have. I wanted to show how strong our economy is. You can see the progress of Serbia through their growth,” Brnabic said, Kurir reports.

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Serbia Energy News