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Significantly increased number of employees in Serbia compared to the same period last year

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The data of the Republic Bureau of Statistics are undoubtedly optimistic.
Out of the total number, 1,752,536 are employed in legal entities, 377,535 are entrepreneurs, persons employed by them and persons who perform activities independently, and 66,994 persons are registered individual farmers.
– Compared to the second quarter of 2019, the total number of employees increased by 1.6 percent, with the number of employees in legal entities increased by 2.2 percent, the number of entrepreneurs, their employees and self-employed persons increased by 1.1 percent, while the number of registered individual farmers decreased by 7.8 percent – statistics show.
Compared to the previous quarter, the total number of employees increased by 0.5 percent, while the number of employees in legal entities increased by 0.5 percent, the number of entrepreneurs, their employees and self-employed persons increased by 0.9 percent, while the number of registered individual farmers decreased by 2.7 percent, the SBS announced on its website, Srbija Danas reports.

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Serbia Energy News