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The economic agreement from Washington with Serbia is worth four billion dollars

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The Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure of Serbia, Zorana Mihajlovic, said today in Vranje that the economic agreement, signed in Washington, is in terms of new investments worth close to four billion dollars.
She stated that the highway Nis-Merdare-Pristina will be built, as well as that the tender for the first section from Nis to Plocnik, 33 kilometers long, will be announced at the end of October or the beginning of November.
“We have provided 40 million euros in non-refundable funds from the EU for that section, we have signed an agreement with the European Investment Bank for 100 million euros and we will soon sign an agreement with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for the rest of the funds,” Mihajlovic said.
The minister also said that she would talk in parallel with the American Development Fund about the financing of other sections.
According to her, the American Development Fund, which visited Serbia in February, has the opportunity to invest 60 billion dollars outside the United States and are interested in investing money in this region.
“It is up to us to use this chance because it is in our interest to build infrastructure. This economic agreement is considering the construction of another highway from Bukanovac, through Gjilan to Strpce, as well as the construction of a railway across Merdar to Pristina,” said Mihajlovic, Novi Magazin reports.

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Serbia Energy News