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Serbia does not need money from the IMF because the country’s payment deficit is under control

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In financial terms, Serbia does not need a new arrangement with the International Monetary Fund, the author of the bulletin “Macroeconomic trends in Serbia” Sasa Djogovic told
He points out that Serbia does not need money from the Fund, because the country’s payment deficit is under control, both due to the narrowed foreign trade exchange, and due to the fact that there was no major outflow of funds based on summer holidays of domestic tourists abroad.
That is why Serbia does not need a financial arrangement with the IMF, unlike Montenegro, for example, Djogovic points out.
On the other hand, the advisory arrangement with the Fund, which does not imply the withdrawal of funds, as Serbia now has with the IMF, and which is currently expiring, is a positive thing, because it allows the MM to indicate to economic authorities which reform measures, as well as for the public to be better informed about the reform processes that are being implemented, says Djogovic.
Speaking about the budget for next year, Djogovic emphasized that more money should be directed to the productive sectors, but also to health, due to the current epidemic of the coronavirus.
He singled out investments in the “green economy” – waste recycling projects, energy production from renewable sources, environmental projects, but also investments in agriculture, as well as in projects for irrigation and flood protection.
Djogovic also pointed out that more funds should be invested in innovative technologies, such as the IT sector, as the fastest growing sector of our economy, BiF reports.

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