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The IMF published an analysis that the prospects for Serbia are better, a drop of 2.5 percent instead of 3 percent

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The economy will grow by more than 5% next year, the IMF predicts.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimated in an updated October report that Serbia’s economic decline in 2020, as a result of the crisis corona, will be smaller than it predicted in April, and will amount to 2.5 percent.
The IMF also forecasts that the Serbian economy will grow by 5.5 percent next year.
In April this year, the IMF estimated that the Serbian economy would record a decline of 3% this year.
According to the report, which is currently being presented at the online conference, it is predicted that the decline will be only 2.5 percent, and that inflation in our country will amount to 1.5 percent, after which it will rise slightly to 1.9 percent next year.
The IMF sees Serbia’s current account balance for 2020 at minus 6.4 percent, and the unemployment rate at 13.4 percent.
The IMF has previously announced that the world economy will shrink by 4.4% in 2020, which is a milder estimate than forecast in June, Telegraf reports.

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