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The citizens of Serbia no longer have to worry about exchange rate stability and inflation

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The stability of the dinar no longer worries anyone, and most importantly, foreign investors who invest money in Serbia, the governor of the National Bank of Serbia, Jorgovanka Tabakovic, told RTS.
The governor of the NBS says that for the first time she is dissatisfied with the growth projection of -1.5 percent given to our country by the IMF.
“The NBS came out with a conservative estimate of growth of -1 percent. Our data are available to the IMF at all times and are credible. However, the IMF said it could not go beyond the estimates of its institution. The facts available to the NBS on recovery of the economy is not a projection, but a situation that we and they have at our disposal,” said Governor Jorgovanka Tabakovic as a guest in Jutarnji dnevnik.
Many doubted that the arrangement with the IMF would take place, and now we are at the end of the second advisory arrangement, stated Jorgovanka Tabakovic and reminded that due to the unified fiscal policy and cooperation of all institutions in that field, it was named “guard house”.
“Spending as much as you earn is a unified and harmonized financial policy of all institutions, primarily the Government and the NBS. That is why a stable dinar no longer worries anyone, and most importantly, investors who invest money here,” Tabakovic emphasized.
The governor said that by the end of September, foreign investors had already invested 1.8 billion euros, and the projection is that it will be 2.3 billion by the end of the year.
When it comes to public debt, it will not exceed 59%, the governor pointed out, emphasizing that both the debt and the stability of the dinar, as well as investors, are taken into account.
“The only actions of the government and the NBS deliver stability to the citizens so that they do not worry about the exchange rate, inflation and for Serbia to be a place to live happily, and that is possible only if public debt and investment are taken into account,” the NBS governor said.
Speaking about non-performing loans, Jorgovanka Tabakovic said that our country is among the best because it has only about 3.5 percent of problem loans.
“The NBS has mechanisms to help banks maintain that level. In addition, we stimulated banks by giving dinar loans to the economy with interest rates that were practically equal to those for foreign currency loans,” Tabakovic said.
Unfortunately, according to the governor, the banks did not accept the recommendation to reduce the participation for housing loans from 20 to 10 percent.
“Only one bank, a domestic one, provides a service to citizens to raise housing loans with a share of 10 and not 20 percent. Obviously, banks believe that they earn enough from other services, but in the long run it will not be good for banks because they have to fight for their clients “, Tabakovic pointed out.
According to her, today, thanks to the domestic Dina card, citizens can withdraw cash at NIS gas stations even in places where there is no post office, bank or ATM, RTS reports.

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Serbia Energy News