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Reforms are expected to accelerate and Serbia’s negotiations with the EU to resume

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The Council of Foreign Investors (FIC) in Serbia announced today that it expects the state to further accelerate reforms, ie to continue and accelerate accession negotiations with the EU, work on sustainable fiscal consolidation and improve the implementation of the law.
The President of the Council and CEO of Telenor Mike Michel pointed out that the Council still sees ten key areas as priorities: taxes, labor, inspection and food safety, infrastructure and construction, health, bankruptcy and foreign exchange operations, with digitalization and e-commerce as this year’s main priorities – it is stated in the announcement from the regular annual session of the FIC Assembly.
He also reminded that more than 120 companies – members of FIC from various parts of the world are united around the same goal: creating a predictable, competitive and sustainable business environment in Serbia.
At the regular annual session of the FIC Assembly, the Annual and Preliminary Financial Reports for 2020 were adopted. FIC member companies have invested more than 36 billion euros in Serbia and directly employ more than 100,000 people, N1 reports.

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Serbia Energy News