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An agreement for the construction of a subway in Belgrade in January

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The construction of the Belgrade metro is an absolute priority, and in the second half of January an Agreement of Understanding will be signed between the Governments of Serbia, Belgrade, China and France, which will formalize the cooperation of French and Chinese companies on this project, Finance Minister Sinisa Mali said today.
He stated at the first meeting of the working group for the realization of the project Construction of the Belgrade Metro, which was also attended by the Minister of Transport, Construction and Infrastructure Tomislav Momirovic, that after the agreement, the Serbian delegation will visit the French company Alstom.
The delegation will be presented with solutions for the design of wagons.
According to the existing agreements, the French side will be in charge of electromechanics, while the Chinese side will deal with the construction works on the construction of the subway.
At the meeting, Mali pointed out that this project had been talked about for decades, but that no one had ever done anything concrete.
He added that now is the opportunity to implement a historically important thing for the city of Belgrade, just as it was done with the Belgrade Waterfront project.
A few weeks ago, the Minister of Finance, Sinisa Mali, signed an Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Implementation of Priority Projects in Serbia with the French Minister of Foreign Trade, Frank Riester, Kurir reports.

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Serbia Energy News