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Growing interest of domestic and foreign investors in the northwestern industrial zone of Serbia

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Member of the City Council for Economy, Zivan Bajic, pointed out that the backbone of the future economic development of Sabac will be the Northwest Industrial Zone, for which foreign and domestic investors have become more and more interested in the last eight months.
The future section of the highway Ruma – Sabac and the fast road Sabac – Loznica will pass through the Northwest Work Zone, which is one of the largest industrial zones in the region, which will contribute to its attractiveness for investors – says Bajic.
– The very beginning of the construction of the highway Ruma – Sabac, the construction of the bridge on the river Sava, the fast road Ruma – Sabac, as well as the tour of the works by President Vucic, led to the sudden interest of investors for the Northwest Work Zone.
Zivan Bajic adds that about 15 hectares of land in the Northwest Work Zone have been sold since the beginning of this year.
– An agreement on the sale of 10.96 hectares has been concluded with the company “Mint”, and the company will employ about 200 workers. By the conclusion of the Government of RS, the project of the company “Mint” was declared important for the Republic of Serbia. Also, the company “Candy Rush”, which operates within the Northwest Work Zone, announced the opening of “Simka”, which will move its production plant from Vranje to Sabac. The value of this investment is around eight million euros. With the arrival of “Simka”, 120 new jobs will be created for our fellow citizens – Bajic pointed out.
The decision on the budget of the city of Sabac for 2021 allocated around 1.1 million euros for the infrastructural equipment of the Northwestern work zone, Nova reports.

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Serbia Energy News