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Japanese companies interested in investing in Serbia

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Serbia’s Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic met with representatives of the Japan Business Federation KEIDANREN who are in Belgrade to discuss investment opportunities in Serbia.

Vucic said that the government is aware of the fact that Japanese companies want a better cooperation with Serbia.

He expressed gratitude to the people and the government of Japan for the great help that was sent to Serbia after the floods, noting that by the amount of donations sent to Serbia, Japan is ranked second.

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The Prime Minister presented KEIDANREN representatives with the reform measures implemented by the government of Serbia that will improve the investment climate.

The fact that Serbia is approaching the EU, but that it is also the only country that has free trade agreements with the European Union, Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkey, makes it attractive for foreign companies, said Vucic.

He said that our country is ready to offer Japanese companies the best conditions for investment.

Chairman of the Committee for Europe of KEIDANREN Yoshio Sato pointed out that Japan wants to contribute to the stability and economic development of Serbia.

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According to Sato, the two countries are linked by130 years of diplomatic relations and economic ties need to be better in the future.

Sato explained that representatives of Japanese companies are interested in investing in the food, automotive and electrical industries.

The government of Serbia is making great efforts to implement economic reforms, which is why this is the right time to strengthen economic cooperation between the two countries, he said.

KEIDANREN brings together 1,300 largest Japanese firms and 112 business associations reports the Government.

Source; Balkans

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Serbia Energy News