In the past ten years, we have seen a continuous growth of people who trade cryptocurrencies, and recent changes in the market, in terms of declining bitcoin values, have not affected customer interest, said Marko Zivkovic, head of marketing for cryptocurrency exchange ECD, on the occasion of Bitcoin pizza marks as the day Bitcoin first entered the real world from the digital sphere.
Zivkovic said that he was saying that and that the market was mature, because the oscillations on the market no longer have such a significant effect on the behavior of investors.
“Daily or weekly price changes do not affect the fact that we have the rush to buy as we had before when the price of bitcoin rises, or the rush to sell when it falls. It can be said that our market has stabilized and follows world trends. so far it has had 50,000 users, but it is estimated that there are about 200,000 people in Serbia who own cryptocurrencies, “Zivkovic said.
What is the minimum investment?
He stated that it is estimated that about 40,000 people in Serbia have joined the cryptocurrency mining process at some point so far. He mentioned that, when it comes to the amount of money for investment, there is neither a minimum nor a maximum, but it is possible to start with 1,000 dinars.
“My recommendation for everyone is to start with smaller amounts, to understand exactly what is happening, how it works, how dinars go into bitcoin, how many I got and how much went to some commissions when buying or sending, to deal with smaller amounts people learn.Invest in cryptocurrencies as much as you are willing to lose at any time.Another thing that is important before any investment in cryptocurrencies is information.It is important that people study what a walet (crypto wallet) is, what types exist, where it is kept crypto and all other security things to learn first, and only then to invest “, pointed out Živković.