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According to distance financial agreements, Serbia is among the first in Europe

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Users of financial services in Serbia are among the first in Europe to conclude financial contracts at a distance with full transparency, security and protection of rights,
This was stated today by NBS Governor Jorgovanka Tabakovic at the 17th China International Financial Forum (CIFF) in Shanghai.
Tabakovic participated in the CIFF, which is being held on the topic “Financial services in the age of digital economy”, where she was one of the key speakers in the opening of the forum, the NBS announced.
“Serbia wants to build a future with those who see and see far – with proven friends who create a future for the benefit of human civilization, which can only survive and prosper if it cooperates, and the People’s Republic of China is a reliable partner on that path,” Tabakovic stressed.
Addressing the topic of innovation in the field of financial services, the Governor stressed that Serbia has recognized digitalization as a development opportunity and that today users of financial services in Serbia are among the first in Europe to conclude financial contracts remotely, with full transparency, security and protection of their rights.
The China International Finance Forum is one of the most important events in the field of finance in China and a platform for exchanging ideas and developing international cooperation, hosted by the International Banking Federation, the Chinese Banking Association, the International Capital Markets Association and Chinese Financial News.
This year’s forum brought together more than 300 prominent Chinese government officials, representatives of international organizations, banking associations and numerous financial companies.
After the speech and presentation of the Governor, the participants were addressed, among others, by officials of the New Development Bank of the BRICS countries, the China Development Bank, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the International Capital Markets Association and the Austrian Financial Market Authority.
CIFF will be held tomorrow, when high-level discussions, round table meetings and project promotions on financial technology, blockchain technology development, financial leasing industry development, banking and insurance sector development, companies whose shares are traded on the stock exchange and wealth management and asset allocation, B92 reports.

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