In cooperation with the German business association, our Law Office has today organized a „workshop“ with the topics „Act on Trade“ and „Consumers’ Protection Act“. The events were held at the pleasant environment of Grand Casino Belgrade and among the present were also the representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Industry of the Republic of Serbia: Ms. Vesna Novaković, Ms. Dušica Djordjević and Mr. Željko Rakić. The present businessmen, members of the German business association were informed about the basic novelties of the said acts, and their attention was drawn to possible problems in application of the new Acts. Besides the presentations of the said associates of the Ministry, our associate, Ms. Natasa Cveticanin also held a brief presentation on the topic from the lawyer’s view, i.e. the view of potential problems and risks for the businessmen. More than 30 participants used the possibility to ask questions, which lead to a very interesting discussion on some particular issues with the speakers.