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At which Place is the Export Market of BiH and Serbia?

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Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Mirko Sarovic and Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Rasim Ljajic talked about non-tariff barriers that entrepreneurs from BiH are faced with during the trade and exchange with companies from Serbia.

Sarovic said that these problems have been discussed earlier and that some progress was made, but it was commonly rated that additional efforts need to be done in order to overcome it.

The officials noted that there is upward trend of the foreign trade balance between the two countries.

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Ljajic said that he believes that economic cooperation between the two countries, which until now was at a very good level, could be even better and more successful.

“The current volume of trade in the amount of 1.5 billion EUR could be much higher. I think that this year will be a record in this regard and that trade in both directions will be higher than it was in 2015,” said Ljajic.

He emphasized that BiH is the third export market for Serbia and an important foreign trade partner, right after Italy, Germany and Russia.

“We’re too small market and we have to join our capacities and resources if we want to attract investors and to jointly perform on third markets,” said Ljajic, who announced that joint commercial and tourist offices of Serbia and BiH in Istanbul will probably be opened.

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He also emphasized that some joint projects in the field of tourism were proposed as well, especially bicycle tour Belgrade-Sarajevo-Dubrovnik.

Source; Sarajevo times

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Serbia Energy News