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By the end of 2022, Belgrade will be completely gasified

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The general director of the PE “Srbijagas”, Dusan Bajatovic, stated tonight that by the end of 2022, Belgrade will be completely gasified, while the gasification of the whole of Serbia will take five to seven years.
“We may not do something with classic gasification, it may be easier for trailers, these are trucks that drive gas and fill bottles there, so that we don’t go all the way to rural areas because it is very expensive and poorly profitable,” Bajatovic said.
Bajatovic points out that in the next year, thanks to the accelerated gasification process announced by the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, all heating plants in Serbia will be able to switch to gas.
“That is not a small thing,” Bajatović pointed out and added that all heating plants in Belgrade, except one, are connected to gas.
He stated that the law will enable those who have illegal facilities, and have applied for legalization, with written evidence that they are not on large infrastructure facilities, to be able to request gas connections.
He pointed out that the gas connection will cost 780 euros with VAT in dinar equivalent for three years, which, he added, is about 20 euros a month in installments.
Bajatovic, among other things, said that the plan is to have 30.35 thousand connected to gas in Serbia by the end of the year, if possible, which, he added, will increase the total number of consumers by about ten percent, RTV reports.

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Serbia Energy News