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Baubeginn für die Autoteilefabrik der deutschen Firma SMP Automotive in Ćuprija

Im Gewerbegebiet Dobričevo in Ćuprija begann der Bau einer Autoteilefabrik des deutschen Unternehmens SMP Automotive, in der 450 Mitarbeiter eine Beschäftigung finden werden, sowie...

Serbien mit dem IWF im Oktober über die Formel für das Rentenwachstum

Finanzminister Siniša Mali sagte Tanjug, dass eines der Themen beim Treffen mit den Vertretern des Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) im Oktober die Verfeinerung des Schweizer...

Unemployment rate in Serbia below 10 percent

Today, Serbia is at a historical minimum when it comes to the unemployment rate, below 10 percent, says the Minister of Labor, Employment, Veterans'...

This year, fewer loans were approved to the citizens of Serbia than last year and the economy is borrowing more

The corona virus and the economic disasters it caused have completely different effects on the indebtedness of citizens and the economy. The former pulled the...

The installments for the loan will be reduced for the citizens of Serbia

The ECB's stimulative monetary policy (securities repurchase programs) will be in place for a longer period, with the expected further growth of banks' liquidity...

The IMF has made a decision on the successful completion of the fourth review of Serbia’s economic program

The Board of Executive Directors of the International Monetary Fund (IMF Board) has made a decision on the successful completion of the fourth, penultimate...

In Serbia, there are big differences in the income of pensioners

The highest pension check in Serbia of 1,150 euros is received by 33 users, and it is nine times higher than the one that...

In Serbia, the increase in salaries and pensions should be limited

It is necessary for budget planning for the next year to balance the deficit in the state treasury and to help the economy. The International...
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