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China one of Serbia’s most important partners

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Minister of Foreign Affairs Vuk Jeremic said on Thursday that political relations between Serbia and China are extraordinary and they are at their highest in history, without any open issues. 

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Following the signing of the Protocol on cooperation between the Serbian power utility company Elektroprivreda Srbije and a consortium of Chinese companies in the construction of thermo electrical power plant “Nikola Tesla” B3 and realisation of energy projects in biomass, Jeremic underlined said that China is one of the greatest and most important partners and allies of Serbia.

Jeremic said that the protocol is an investment worth over €2 billion and or one of the largest foreign investments in Serbia ever.

He noted that China is a driving force of the world’s economic development and a key factor in international relations, and the latest investment in our country opens a new era in relations between Serbia and China, which will in future have a significant economic component.

Jeremic announced talks on new China’s investments in high technology, textile industry and many other fields in which Serbia can expect support from the government of China.

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Serbia Energy News