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Coin: Serbia excellent country, but has to improve its image

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Serbia is an excellent country that needs to continue improving its image in Western Europe, as it can still happen that people have a mistaken impression, said outgoing President of the Societe General Bank Executive Board Frederic Coin.

It is a big difference between the image of Serbia that reached Western Europe and the reality, Coin said, adding that when he first arrived in Belgrade, he discovered an excellent country with a relatively satisfactory business environment.

The environment certainly needs improving, but it was not so bad even before. You could work, produce, and the most important thing – you in Serbia have very good people who do an excellent job. For an example, Societe General Bank Serbia has an excellent team, highly qualified, diligent, he said.

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Coin, who has also been at the helm of the Foreign Investors Council (FIC) in Serbia, says that it is desirable that Serbia continues putting reforms in place, as they are needed for improving the competitiveness and citizens’ living standard.

I have seen positive changes and you should keep that going, Coin said.

Source; SerbGov

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