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Competent workforce needed for successful economy

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A successful economy must have a good and competent workforce, President of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber Christoph Leitl said on Wednesday, underlining the importance of dual education and Austria’s willingness to share its experience with Serbia.

If a country must be more competitive, than it needs a competent workforce and highly motivated people, Leitl said in a statement to Tanjug.

This is achieved through dual education, which provides young people with a perspective and motivates them to engage with companies, thus reducing unemployment and expanding a pool of competent workers, which is the main goal, he noted.

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We have a wide spectrum of opportunities for cooperation. Serbia has excellent potential through a free trade agreement with Russia, Leitl said after a meeting with President of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Marko Cadez on the sidelines of a conference on dual education in the Western Balkans.

Source; SerbGov

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