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Due to preventive measures due to the pandemic, a large drop in income in all industries in Serbia, except food

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The President of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce (SCC), Marko Cadez, said today that since the introduction of measures to close retail stores in Serbia at 5 pm, as well as on weekends, due to the corona virus pandemic, there has been a drop in income in all non-food areas.
He pointed out at the online meeting “Partnership for the Future” organized by the Coca-Cola system in Serbia that the research conducted by PKS showed that the infection does not spread in retail stores, because measures are respected there, asking the authorities to think about mitigation of measures for places that are not risky.
“The next two weekends are important in the business of many companies, especially those that deal with sales, because some of them generate income in these two weeks as in the entire other two months of the year,” said Cadez.
He added that Coca-Cola’s revenues in the hospitality industry have dropped by 80 percent due to the measures, with 40 percent of the company’s revenues coming from this sector.
Sales director of the company Coca-Cola HBC Serbia, Sasa Markovic, said that in 2019, that company contributed 291 million euros to the Serbian economy.
“We are proud of the partnerships and the contribution we give to the development of the community in Serbia, and we have achieved partnerships with producers of raw materials, suppliers, trade and catering sector,” Markovic pointed out.
He also said that Serbia had the greatest benefit, through 159 million euros, or 0.9 percent of all tax payments in 2019.
Markovic also stated that Coca-Cola has 1,700 direct employees, while 14,400 workers are employed on the Serbian market in the total chain, eKapija reports.

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Serbia Energy News