As of today, the Office of the Government of Serbia for Information Technologies and Electronic Administration has enabled a new service on the eGovernment Portal – electronic signature at a distance (in the cloud). Remote electronic signature is a certificate for qualified electronic remote signing that is stored on servers in the State Data Center.
“Every citizen who has a ConsentID mobile application or a qualified electronic certificate on a smart card or USB token can get an electronic signature in the cloud for free,” said the Office for IT and eGovernment.
In order for citizens to use the electronic signature in the cloud on the eGovernment Portal, there is also an application for electronic signing in the cloud as a service intended for everyone who wants to electronically sign a pdf or xml document in a fast, simple, reliable and secure way.
Also, all other services on the eGovernment Portal or the Portal of local tax administrations that require electronic signing can be electronically signed in the cloud.
“Qualified electronic certificate for qualified electronic signing remotely brings many benefits to the administrative system of our country and citizens because it allows easier, cheaper and free use of electronic signatures, as it does not require the user to have a smart card reader and install additional software,” Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Tatjana Matić during the launch of the new electronic service.
She added that this is an important step for the long-term development of the digital society in Serbia and that she is very happy “that we are all closer to exploiting all the potentials of the digital age”.
“Thanks to the electronic signature in the cloud, citizens will no longer have to worry about installing software for using signatures on cards or tokens, and they will be able to use the most complex e-government services only from a mobile phone,” said Mihailo Jovanovic, director of the IT and eGovernment Office.
He called on other state institutions, primarily the Agency for Business Registers, the Central Register of Compulsory Social Insurance, the National Employment Service and the Tax Administration, to enable the use of electronic signatures in the cloud and on their portals as soon as possible, N1 writes.