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Electronics are more expensive in Serbia than in the EU

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The Commission for Protection of Competition of Serbia announced that, based on Eurostat data for 2019, it indicated that the prices of consumer electronics in Serbia were 13 percent higher than the average prices in the EU.
“For example, in Serbia, the prices for certain categories of products were more than 33 to 39 percent in relation to the prices in Hungary, where the value added tax is 27 percent, while in Serbia it is 20 percent,” the website states.
At the same time, as specified, the prices of consumer electronics in Hungary were 2.5% lower compared to the EU average.
Therefore, as well as due to the importance of this market for consumers, the commission analyzed the conditions of competition in the wholesale and retail market of consumer electronics in Serbia.
The commission announced that it therefore initiated the procedure of examining the violation of competition ex officio and performed unannounced investigations.
It was pointed out that the procedure was initiated in order to examine the existence of restrictive agreements from Article 10 of the Law on Protection of Competition, which restrict competition on the markets of retail and wholesale consumer electronics in Serbia.
Insight into public data on prices, it was determined that consumer electronics are offered in retail facilities, as well as on the websites of retailers at identical or almost identical prices.
The Commission reasonably assumes that there are harmonized obligations (agreements) which determine the prices and conditions of resale, which is a restrictive agreement that represents a violation of competition from Article 10 of this Law, it is stated in the announcement.
The Commission invited all those who have data, documents or other relevant information that may contribute to establishing the facts in this procedure to submit them to the address of the Commission for Protection of Competition, N1 reports.

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Serbia Energy News