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EUR 24mn-worth road deal signed with Turks

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A commercial contract to reconstruct the Novi Pazar-Tutin road in southwestern Serbia has been signed on Monday.

The document was inked by Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Zorana Mihajlovic and representatives of the Turkish company Tasyapi.

Signatories included chairman of the Tasyapi Executive Board, Emrullah Turanli and acting Director of Putevi Srbije (Roads of Serbia) public company Zoran Drobnjak, in the presence of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajic and Ambassador of Turkey to Serbia Tanju Bilgic.

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Mihajlovic pointed out that the contract signed today involves the creation of a preliminary project, the drafting of a detailed regulation plan and the execution of works, in the length of 20.5 kilometers.

Bilgic said that the two countries have good bilateral relations and that this is the first of the infrastructure projects whose construction is moving, expecting that the construction of the Belgrade-Sarajevo highway will soon begin.

Source; B92

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Serbia Energy News