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“Financial stability stems from political stability”

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Financial stability stems from political stability, National Bank of Serbia (NBS) Governor Jorgovanka Tabakovic said on Monday.

According to her, the NBS will always react “in a way that will deliver results to the citizens.”

As a result of the political instability in the UK, the British pound has declined, the shares of Britain’s top companies have fallen and orders have been cancelled, she told the RTS.

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“If you have political stability in the country, you will also have financial stability, and good assessments will stem from that stability. Those who write reports will take note of macroeconomic stability and highlight the political stability,” Tabakovic said.

On the day when the UK voted to leave the EU, the NBS did not react any more than it usually does, or than it did in January, when a major number of foreign investors left Serbia, she said.

Source; B92

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Serbia Energy News