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“Huge” Chinese-Serbian free zone master plan draft complete

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Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic says the draft master plan for the construction of the Chinese-Serbian Free Zone in Smederevo has been completed.

The master plan should be adopted by the end of the year in the Assembly of the town od Smederevo, in order to start construction in 2019.

Brnabic pointed out that the zone should be completed by 2022, but that the first phase will create 2,300 new jobs.

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“It’s a huge zone. We should finish it by 2022, but in the first phase of this Chinese-Serbian free zone – that’s 2,300 jobs,” Brnabic said in the town of Kovin on Thursday, where she opened a bypass round around Bevaniste.

It is precisely the jobs in this new zone that will also be important for Kovin residents, Brnabic underlined.

She recalled that the government, after the arrival of China’s HBIS (Hesteel) in Zelezara (steel mill) Smederevo, continued talks with Chinese partners, while the Ministry of Economy signed a cooperation agreement for the construction of the Chinese-Serbian Free Zone in this town.

“We continue to work together, to build Serbia, to lift it to its feet and continue the way we are going,” Brnabic said.

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Source: B92

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Serbia Energy News