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Improvement of food quality and safety in Serbia

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Prime Minister Ana Brnabic visited on Wednesday the Directorate for National Reference Laboratories in Belgrade.

Brnabic said afterwards that that all milk producers will have to test their products twice a month in the National Milk Control Laboratory, the government announced.

Brnabic explained that the analysis will be free, with each producer getting guidance on what to do if there are deviations in the quality of their products from European standards.

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According to the prime mMinister, the fact that Serbia now has an accredited national laboratory means greater safety and better quality of food for citizens and standardization of product quality and fair market for the producers.

Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Branislav Nedimovic announced that Serbia will get a laboratory for food safety in May or June, while the National Milk Control Laboratory is important for determining the quality of milk and dairy products on the market.

Also, he added, the existence of national, accredited food control laboratories is important for meeting the conditions for the opening of Chapter 12, which concerns food safety.

Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Sem Fabrizi said that the opening of a new accredited milk testing laboratory is an important step not only in improving the safety and quality of food in Serbia, but also for Serbia’s path towards EU membership.

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Minister for European Integration Jadranka Joksimovic said that the EU funded this project with EUR 8 million, while the Serbian government participated with about EUR 3 million.

Source; B92

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Serbia Energy News