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In the budget of Serbia for next year, more money for salaries and capital investments

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The Minister of Finance of Serbia, Sinisa Mali, stated today that there will be more money in the republic budget for 2021 for the increase of salaries in the public sector, but also for capital investments, investments in water supply networks, highways, construction of railways.
He told TV Pink that public investments contribute to the growth of gross domestic product (GDP), the opening of companies and attract private investors to come to Serbia.
According to him, in the first nine months of this year, Serbia attracted 1.9 billion euros in foreign investments, mostly in the region.
“The huge scale of the economic crisis in the world due to the coronary virus pandemic, but not in Serbia,” the minister said.
He added that in Serbia, “there is no black scenario like in other countries, there is no factory closure”.
As he stated, with the smallest fall in GDP this year, monetary and fiscal stability, Serbia has positioned itself to grow the most in the years to come.
Mali announced that in two days he would announce the conditions under which the US State Financial Corporation for International Development (DFC) will provide guarantees for loans to the Serbian economy.
“These will be favorable loans for a longer repayment period in order to enable small, medium and large companies to get the necessary money and liquidity, not only to survive this crisis, but to continue investing,” said Mali, Novi Magazin reports.

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Serbia Energy News