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Macroeconomic analyzes and trends in Serbia

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Total industrial production in February this year is higher by 2.6 percent compared to the same period last year.
Analysts at the Institute of Economics in “Macroeconomic Analysis and Trends” note that this was mostly influenced by the growth of electricity production by 10.2 percent, but also by the decline in mining by 1.5 percent. The production of the processing industry decreased by 0.1 percent year-on-year in January, while it increased by 1.4 percent in February.
– This modest increase is not in line with the tendency of pronounced current growth due to the high level in February 2020 – it is stated in the latest issue of the MAT.
– The biggest positive contribution in February was made by the oil industry, the production of electrical equipment and the chemical industry. The largest negative contribution was made by the production of tobacco products, clothing items, the food industry and the production of rubber and plastic products, Novosti reports.

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Serbia Energy News