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Most Serbian citizens fear that they will lose their jobs due to the corona crisis

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Due to the economic uncertainties expected this fall, Nova Ekonomija has launched a series of articles on the impact of the pandemic on the Serbian labor market. According to the results of the first survey we conducted in August, almost two thirds of people fear losing their job due to the crisis caused by the coronavirus.
Slightly fewer respondents, approximately 36 percent, are not afraid of losing their jobs due to the Covid crisis.
In a survey of over a hundred readers, they answered the questions “Do you know people who lost their jobs as a result of the epidemic in Serbia?” and “How many such people do you know?” are evenly distributed.
Slightly more than 38 percent of respondents (38.27 percent) do not know anyone who lost their job in the current crisis, up to three people who have been fired in the past few months know about 32 percent of respondents, while 29.63 know more than three people who lost their jobs from February until today.
As for the impact of the pandemic on the labor market in Serbia, citizens are most often worried that the crisis could last, and that insecurity could therefore affect our country more.
Citizens also fear that the largest number of layoffs will be recorded in the private sector, as well as that there will be a reduction in salaries due to the crisis.
In addition, they see the deterioration of labor market conditions due to high demand, especially in the automotive industry, as the main potential problem in the near future.
“I have a feeling that some professions similar to mine will completely lose their significance,” said one respondent. Employers are aware of the situation in which they have a surplus of labor for certain jobs on the market for the first time, they will offer lower wages, aware that jobless candidates will be forced to accept them,” added another.
Citizens also want to know “how long it can pretend that the situation in the economy is normal and not too much affected by the crisis”, but also whether “lower cash flow in all spheres of the economy, with the exception of IT industry and domestic tourism, will create a domino effect it will affect, to a greater or lesser extent, every stratum of the population,” Nova Ekonomija reports.

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Serbia Energy News