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Power plant „Kostolac B“ hosted presentation on production and business results

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Power plant „Kostolac B“ hosted presentation on production and business results including overview of first phase revitalization of unit „B-2“

Power plant „Kostolac B“ hosted on 20 april the visit of representatives of Government of Serbia, EPS management,business partners and local community , during which the presentation of the business results was organized including both power plants and coal mines „Termoelektrane i kopovi Kostolac“. The presentation also included the status of works in first phase of revitalization of unit B2 in Kostolac including the reconstruction of the electrostatic precipitators.

In 2010. godini TE-KO „Kostolac“ increased the plan of electricity production, out of planned 4.702, it was realized 4.808,7 Gh.  The trend of growth of share in EPS electricity production was also continued, the plans were increased also in coal production.

General Manager Mr. Dragan Jovanović,  manager of PD „TE – KO Kostolac“ noted that since the facilities installation the units were not fully operational  to their max output power, due to the different technical constraints. After first phase of overhaul of unit „B2“, where we reconstructed the complete turbine unit, the unit is fully operational with max output power.
Our plan is to revitalize the unit  „B1“ in the same level of technological adaption and modernization.  „B2“ unit first phase we complete is just one part of our plans, we are still ahead of one big project on boiler units which will allow us to reach stabile parameters for the next  150 thousand hours.

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– Our company is oriented toward investments and development. We made commercial contracts for set of projects with total value of  around 340 mill dollars, contract we signed with National Chinese company „CMEC“, contract based on intergovernmental agreement between Serbia and China. We are expecting answer for this loan out of which we would have financing for mentioned projects.

Projects in scope would be oriented toward modernization of the power plan units, complete construction of FGD on this plant, but we would also realize some other infrastructure projects like railway and dock yard on Danube. Other big set of projects we are partially financing out our own resources and partially supported by the credit line or EIB, project like reconstruction of ash handling system.  These projects are ecological and their realization is underway and within plans, stated Mr. Dragan Jovanović Manager of Kostolac power plants.


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Serbia Energy News
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