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Serbia a serious partner in region, Europe

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Serbia is accepted as a very serious partner in the region and Europe and as a country that has accomplished very serious reforms, Finance Minister Dusan Vujovic said Wednesday.

“We have had a successful programme and successful reforms and now we want to demonstrate that we can continue on our own,” Vujovic told Pink TV.

Speaking about Monday’s Paris-Balkan 2016 summit of Western Balkan and EU leaders, Vujovic said that it included discussions on an agenda of regional links – road infrastructure and railway, energy and digitisation projects.

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Corridors 10 and 11 are the infrastructure priorities for Serbia, while connecting Nis, Tirana and Durres is an auxiliary priority, Vujovic said.

Exports have grown over the past two years thanks to investors, Vujovic said.

“Those roads should enable Serbia to be better connected and make sure the region can boost its export opportunities permanently,” Vujovic noted.

Source; SerbGov

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