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Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina to send letter to EU members

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Due to the discriminatory 100 percent tax imposed (by Pristina), trade between Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina with Pristina has practically been disabled.

This was the assessment made on Tuesday in Belgrade by Serbia’s Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajic and Minister of External Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia-Herzegovina Mirko Sarovic.

According to a statement from Ljajic’s cabinet, the two ministers expressed “concern over the inefficiency and mild reactions of the international community, which has not so far persuaded Pristina to withdraw the mentioned barriers.”

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In that sense, Ljajic and Sarovic agreed to send a joint letter to EU member-states, considering that the Stabilization and Association Council between the European Union and Kosovo will be held on December 17, which will consider the application of the SAA by provisional institutions in Pristina.

“That is the last chance for the EU to ask Pristina to urgently and without delay abolish these measures, otherwise it will be necessary to ask for the suspension of the SAA between the EU and Kosovo. Namely, the increased customs rates are not only violating the CEFTA (free trade) agreement and the SAA, rather this is a gross violation of fundamental human rights and freedoms, and above all the right to free flow of people, goods and capital, as well as the right to receive medical treatment,” the statement said.

Ljajic and Sarovic “agreed to continue to coordinate all steps and activities towards international institutions in order for Pristina’s discriminatory measures to be abolished as soon as possible.”

Source; B92

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