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Stability and trends: Remittance inflows into Serbia remain steady

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In the course of the previous year, Serbia received approximately €4.99 billion in remittances from abroad, according to data released by the National Bank of Serbia (NBS). This figure is nearly equivalent to the amount received in the preceding year, which stood at €5.02 billion.

Analyzing the geographical distribution, it’s evident that the structure remained relatively stable. The largest portion of remittances originated from Germany, constituting 27% of the total, followed by Switzerland with 13%, Austria with 10%, France with 6.0%, and Croatia with 5.0%, as indicated by NBS sources.

Regarding the breakdown by currency, the majority of remittances, around 83.1%, were denominated in euros, while 7.7% were in US dollars, 3.9% in Swiss francs, and 5.3% in other currencies.

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The NBS follows the methodology of the International Monetary Fund’s Balance of Payments (BPM6), which categorizes remittances as personal transfers. This category encompasses various forms of financial support, including remittances from workers, pensions, social benefits, as well as aid and gifts sent to individuals residing in Serbia from abroad.

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