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Serbia: Flash estimates for Q3 suggest a slowdown in real GDP growth

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Flash estimates of the Serbian Statistical Office for Q3 2011 suggest a slowdown in real GDP growth (0.7% y-o-y).
In September 2011, Serbian industrial production rose by 0.8% s-a, but was 1.8% lower than in the same month a year earlier. Broken down by sector, manufacturing declined 4.8% y-o-y, while mining expanded by 11.5% and electricity, gas and steam supply by 7.9% y-o-y.  

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Seasonally adjusted, manufacturing increased by 0.8% in September. Within manufacturing, the largest positive contribution to total industrial output came from the production of food and beverages, metal products (excluding machinery), pharmaceutical and chemical products, and rubber and plastic products. On the other hand, the strongest negative contributions came from the production of coke and petroleum products, tobacco products, printing and reproduction of sound and video recordings.
Real retail trade turnover was 18.3% down from September last year.

According to official s-a data, September saw a 4.3% decline in exports and a 5.1% rise in imports. Y-o-y, euro-denominated commodity exports increased by mere 3.9% and imports by 4.3%.



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Serbia Energy News