The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Dr. Aleksandar Martinović, has issued an order aimed at preventing the introduction of foot-and-mouth disease into the Republic of Serbia. This order was published in the Official Gazette of Serbia on January 21, 2025, and became effective.
To protect the country from this infectious disease, the order prohibits the import and transit of consignments from countries where foot-and-mouth disease is suspected or confirmed. Specifically, the ban covers the following:
- Live domestic cattle, pigs, sheep, goats and other domestic and wild ungulates
- Meat and meat products
- Milk and milk products
- Other animal-origin products for human consumption
- Deep-frozen seeds and embryos
- Secondary animal products
- Biological material
- Means of transport used for the transportation and transit of live animals
These import and transit restrictions can be extended, reduced, or lifted depending on the results of risk analysis and ongoing monitoring of the disease’s trends, as announced by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management.