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Serbia is working on a strategic increase in pensions

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The president of the Belgrade board of the Serbian Progressive Party, Nebojsa Stefanovic, said today, in a conversation with pensioners in Zvezdara, that the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, is working on a strategic increase in pensions, so that the average by 2025 would be between 430 and 440 euros.
– This is also foreseen by the “Serbia 2025” program. That by strengthening the economy, based on the plans set by President Vucic, we have a society in which pensioners live decently from their pension and do not have to ask anyone for anything. Our job is to continue to work and listen to what people who have retired tell us, but far from their knowledge cannot be used. That is why I want to tell young people that it is important to use the vast experience of older fellow citizens and to build together, not only a better Zvezdara, but the whole of Serbia – Stefanovic pointed out, Srbija reports.

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Serbia Energy News