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Serbia pays for lobbying in US Congress

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At the moment when diplomatic struggle for Kosovo is going on and decision over continuation of European integration is to be made, Serbian Government has decided to engage one of the most powerful companies in Washington the ‘Podesta Group’ to lobby for the interests of Serbia in the USA.

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As ‘Blic’ learns the contract has been concluded on October 1 this year for the monthly fee of 100,000 Dollars. Part of that money, 25,000 Dollars shall go to the ‘Robert White’, a company that ‘Podesta Group’ engaged to lobby for Serbia in the Congress.


As per the contracted agreement the task of ‘Podesta Group’ shall be to contribute to realization of strategic goals of Serbia, enable development of useful and efficient relations between Serbia and the US, represent Serbian interests in all relevant and economic American institutions.

This is the first contract of this kind concluded since beginning of the year when all contracts on lobbying were cancelled in line with austerity measures. ‘Blic’ yesterday tried to get some more details at Serbian Government but without success. Neither the Embassy of Serbia in Washington wanted to make any comment.

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‘No doubt that the idea that Serbia has its lobbyist in Washington is good. I hope the ‘Podesta Group’ shall be more successful then those that Serbia engaged earlier’, Obrad Kesic, political analyst from Washington says for ‘Blic’.




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