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Serbia takes global top spot on FDI destinations list

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Serbia takes the top spot in IBM’s Global Location Trends report, when it comes to jobs created through FDIs, measured relative to population.

In this category, a majority of countries in the top ten are those from Central and Southeast Europe (CEE), Tanjug is reporting, citing the website.

“Three other countries on the list of top-ranking destination countries by estimated jobs per million inhabitants — Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia and Macedonia — (with the exception of Slovenia) have lagged behind its peers from Central Europe economically, indicating that efforts by governments in the region to attract investors are paying off,” the website said.

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Serbia “continues to receive significant inward investment in key sectors such as textiles, transport equipment, chemicals and electronics. Not surprisingly, manufacturing activities account for almost 80 percent of all jobs created from FDI (foreign direct investment,” the IBM report said.

According to the report – “the continued strong performance by Serbia and the wider Western Balkans on this measure testifies to the region’s growing success in attracting foreign investment and cementing its position in global value chains. While the performance of individual countries varies from year to year, the region as a whole is experiencing a sustained high level of interest from foreign investors.”

Not adjusted for the size of population the US was first, China took second and Mexico third place on this list.

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