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Serbian agriculture will receive 50 million dollars from the World Bank

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The editor of the economic magazine Agrobiznis, Goran Djakovic, announced today that farmers in Serbia will receive non-refundable funds from the World Bank in the amount of 50 million dollars next year.
“The best news for farmers will be next year. It will be one of the years when we will have the most funds for investments in agriculture at our disposal, because, among other things, we are receiving 50 million dollars from the World Bank,” Djakovic told RTS.
He added that the project should start in the spring.
“Farmers will receive money in advance – 50 percent of the investment will be given in advance, 40 percent will be financed by the bank, and 10 percent will be their share,” Djakovic explained.
He pointed out that it has never been possible to get more favorable conditions, except when it comes to young agricultural producers who receive 70% in advance, Novosti reports.

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Serbia Energy News