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Serbian regulator issues license to Vodafone

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British company Vodafone has been given a license for electronic communication activities in the area of public communications networks and services.

Serbia’s regulatory agency for electronic communications and postal services RATEL announced this on Friday, Tanjug is reporting.

The company’s Belgrade-based branch Vodafone Enterprise Equipment Limited will use the network exclusively for transit transmission of optical signals through Serbia.

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The licensing has practically registered one of the leading global telecommunications companies as another optical transport network operator in the country.

For the time being, Vodafone will have no access points for linking up with networks of other electronic communications operators and the company will not be able to provide services to end-users in Serbia.

RATEL Director Vladica Tintor said that foreign operators’ arrival is good for the domestic market, and that one of the main tasks of the agency is to ensure competitiveness in the electronic communications market.

34 operators of optical networks for transport have been registered in the RATEL Register of Operators of Public Communications Networks and Services.

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Source; B92

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Serbia Energy News