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Smart Cities are approaching!

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Is the world moving in the right direction? Is the progress towards smarter use of energy resources satisfactory and sustainable? Are we responsible for our own future moving towards smart future? These and other related issues will be discussed in Lisbon on a dedicated conference.


After the first blockbuster Fleming Europe brings to you 2nd Annual Smart Grids, Smart Cities, to be held 7th & 8th June 2011, in Lisbon. As Smart Grid Technology, Best Practices, and Business Models mature, the moment our cities “go smart” becomes increasingly visible on the horizon. In fact, that time is now! The conference: The 2nd Annual Smart Grids, Smart Cities will bring together the cumulative experience of the world’s first four smart cities. The conference will showcase the evolution of projects from the roll out of pilot and full scale infrastructure to the selection and optimization of  transmission, billing, and customer relations.

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The 2nd Annual Smart Grids, Smart Cities, will share real-life applications, new energy policies and develop recommendations for the rapid development of new key technologies for smart grids. Stakeholder groups will examine the benefits and barriers related to grid modernization, utilities and vendors will share their adjustments to a changing business model that increasingly revolves around a renewed focus on consumer needs.


In addition to showcasing best practices in smart grid implementation, THE 2ND SMART GRIDS, SMART CITIES will feature industry-leading dialogue among consumers, local governments, and the financial community, which will yield important insights for all who are discussing and building Smart Grids.

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To boost networking and interactivity right from the beginning, Fleming Europe will kick-off the conference with SPEED NETWORKING. The delegates will have 3 minutes to interact with colleagues around them and exchange as many business cards as possible.


For further information please contact Kristina Jurikova via email on or dial +421 257 272 153 or visit


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Supported byClarion Energy
Serbia Energy News
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