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Srbijagas should become a joint stock company by May 1st

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The Ministry of Mining and Energy has formed a working group to monitor the reorganization plan for Srbijagas.
The plan envisages a total of 29 activities with the goal of making that public company a joint stock company by May 1, the ministry told Tanjug today.
The working group will control the reform process, but also help Srbijagas implement the plan.
The reorganization plan includes, first of all, the separation of gas transport and distribution activities between Srbijagas and the companies Transportgas and Distribucijagas Srbija, as well as their licensing for the activities they perform.
On December 10, the Serbian government adopted a plan for the reorganization of Srbijagas, which means, according to the ministry, the beginning of the reform and modernization of the Serbian gas sector.
The implementation of that plan will create conditions for a stable and secure gas supply, as well as much more efficient and profitable operations of gas companies, and which is important because of the infrastructure projects they are implementing, the Ministry of Mining and Energy told Tanjug.
The conclusion adopted by the Government of Serbia includes a report on the activities carried out so far on the reorganization of Srbijagas and a plan that includes a total of 29 activities that need to be realized, among which the most important is the transfer of assets from JP Srbijagas to Transportgas Srbija and Distribucijagas Srbija.
That is, the transfer of the natural gas transmission system, ie the natural gas distribution system from Srbijagas to Transportgas Serbia, ie Distribucijagas Serbia, which is planned for February 1, 2021.
The action plan includes as important:
Harmonization of the organizational structure and general acts of PE Srbijagas with the Law on Public Enterprises, and the deadline is December 31, 2020.
Then, creating conditions for certification and licensing of gas transport and gas distribution activities until February 1, 2020 and obtaining a license for Transportgas Serbia by April 15, 2021, and for Distribucijagas Serbia by March 15, 2021 for appropriate activities (transport and transmission system management that is, distribution and distribution system management).
The transfer of shares in Transportgas and Distribucijagas Srbija from Srbijagas to the Republic of Serbia is planned until February 15, 2021.
Amendments to the founding acts and registration in the APR are planned, and the deadline is March 1, 2021.
It is planned to adopt the rules on the operation of the gas transmission system and the rules on the operation of the distribution system, acts on the price of access to the natural gas transport system and the price of access to the distribution system, adoption and publication of the price of connection to the distribution system for natural gas transportation and a five-year distribution system development plan.
As well as the adoption of a plan to reduce losses in the system if the losses are above the technically justified level, also, by April 1, 2021.
Finally, the change of the legal form of Srbijagas into a joint stock company by May 1, 2021.
The plan for the implementation of activities aimed at the reorganization of JP Srbijagas includes the adoption of proposed measures to resolve the issue of numerous related companies in which Srbijagas has a share in the capital, and which burden the business of that company, the ministry told Tanjug.
As the ministry announced earlier, the reform of Srbijagas, in addition to being prescribed by Serbian law, also represents an international obligation, because it prevents the announced introduction of measures of the Energy Council of Ministers against Serbia, and is important for removing obstacles to opening Chapter 15 in negotiations with the EU, B92 reports.

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Serbia Energy News