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State owned chocolate factory offered for sale

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The factory of confectionery products Ravanica from the town of Cuprija, 100 percent state-owned, will be put up for sale in a public auction on August 14.

President of the Cuprija municipality Ninoslav Eric expects at least ten bidders.

“I expect at least ten companies to participate in the public auction, and on August 14, we will find out who the new owner of Ravanica will be,” Eric told Tanjug.

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“The factory is significant for this region, for Serbia, it needs to be improved, and we expect this from its privatization,” he added.

The Ministry of Economy announced a public tender for the privatization of Ravanica, one of the best known factories of confectionery products in the former Yugoslavia and in Serbia, on July 6th.

Applications for participation are accepted until August 10.

The total estimated value of the capital of Ravanica is 261,000 euros, and this is the initial selling price. The factory employs 113 workers.

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Source; B92

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Serbia Energy News