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Study of high-rise buildings of Belgrade adopted

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The City Assembly of Belgrade adopted the Study of high-rise buildings of Belgrade at the yesterday’s session.

The Secretariat for Urbanism and Construction Affairs has entrusted the Belgrade Institute of Urbanism with the design of a special study of high-rise buildings, as a result of an expert and public discussion about amendments to the 2021 Master Plan of Belgrade. The primary reason for design of that study are the building height restriction in the 2021 Master Plan of Belgrade, that is, the need for determination of a zone of possible construction of high-rise buildings in Belgrade.

– This is an exceptionally important study for Belgrade, which has been in making for nearly 18 months. The amendments to the 2021 Master Plan of Belgrade prescribes no building height restrictions in the zones of high-rise buildings, but the plan does not envisage zones where construction of such facilities will be possible. This study is not a planning document and does not represent the basis for the issuance of any location, building or other permit, but it provides the basis for preparation of plans of detailed regulation – said Oliver Glisic, a member of the City Council.

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The study protects natural resources that are excluded as potential areas for construction of high-rise buildings, except in nine central blocks of New Belgrade. The most favorable locations for construction of high-rise buildings are those covered by all traffic systems, while an advantage should be given to locations on the routes of mass and high-capacity public transport.

Buildings higher than 50 meters can be built in New Belgrade (between Pariske Komune Street, Mihaila Pupina Boulevard, the Sava river and Tosinog bunara Street), alongside important city routes such as Kralja Aleksandra Boulevard, and in the zone alongside the Danube, which is planned to be totally transformed.

Buildings up to 100 meters high can mainly be built in New Belgrade, as well as in the southern belt of the central zone and alongside the highway. The only zone where construction of buildings up to 150 meters high is allowed is Block 42 in New Belgrade.

According to the study, extremely high facilities, higher than 150 meters, should not be built in Belgrade.

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