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The Association of Business Women of Serbia has announced a competition for the best women entrepreneurs

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The Association of Business Women of Serbia has announced the 14th competition for the selection of the best women entrepreneurs in Serbia, entitled “Flower of Success for a Dragon Woman”.
All business women in Serbia who own or have a share in the ownership of a company can apply for the competition, regardless of the type of activity, and interested entrepreneurs can apply for one of two categories, “Export Oriented Company” and “Successful Business Model”.
The statement of the Association adds that recognition will be given to large companies that apply the 5th Principle of the United Nations for Women’s Empowerment, which provided the best model of including women in the supply chain, in the category “Gender-most sensitive company”.
This year, the Association of Business Women of Serbia retains the practice of awarding special recognition to women entrepreneurs who have achieved special results and highlighting those who meet several conditions from the mentioned main categories and subcategories, Nova Ekonomija reports.

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