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The cost of digital labor is increasing due to demand in the global market

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Several professions have recorded an increase in the average demanded labor cost in the digital economy – sales and marketing (6.2%), creative services and multimedia (4.6%), professional services (5%), and writing and translation (0.6%).

This means, as shown by the analysis of the Center for Public Policy Research, that the rise in labor costs in these professions has brought significant additional income to those working on online platforms. For example, Serbian gig workers, assuming they worked full-time (176 hours per month), in the fields of sales and marketing and creative services and multimedia were able to earn $171.5 and $145.1 more, respectively, than six months ago.

Such fluctuations in earnings, especially in the field of sales and marketing, reflect the global demand for gig work, which is most pronounced in the marketing sector. On the other hand, it is particularly interesting that despite the decline in the average hourly wage in the software development field, the attractiveness of gig work remains relatively high for Serbian IT professionals. In this area, there has been a relatively small decrease in the number of workers.

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This can be explained by a series of related influences: the lifestyle of individuals in this profession, as many of them work from home even with a traditional employment contract; then the relatively high salaries that can be earned in this field. The average full-time platform salary in software development is over $4,500.

In addition, software development jobs are generally the highest-paying jobs in the digital market, and there are likely specific aspects of the job itself, such as situations where gig work is an additional source of income for a significant portion of digital workers – according to the findings of the Center, which described the digital geography of Serbia and regional countries in terms of gender, earnings, and the most common professions for digital workers.

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