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The deadline for loans to the Serbian economy from the guarantee scheme is being extended

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The draft law on determining the guarantee scheme, which is a measure of support to the economy for mitigating the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, extends the deadline for another six months so that companies can request loans whose state is the guarantor.
The Minister of Finance, Sinisa Mali, said in the Assembly of Serbia that 20,000 loans in the total amount of 1.4 billion euros had been approved and paid off by the end of November, and explained that the bill before the deputies today extended the valid guarantee scheme for another six months.
Mali reminded that the Government of Serbia agreed with commercial banks on a package of assistance to businessmen through loans whose state is the guarantor in the amount of two billion euros, and that 1.4 billion euros have been spent so far.
He reminded that businessmen can also count on cheap loans with an interest rate of one percent through the Development Fund.
Mali also stated that the state helped citizens and the economy through various types of assistance worth a total of 5.8 billion euros, and among them are the payment of minimum wages, deferral of taxes and contributions, 100 euros each for citizens, increase of salaries for health workers, Nova reports.

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Serbia Energy News