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The Electric Power Industry of Serbia invested in hydroelectric power plants and now they are breaking records

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Additional investments in energy usually pay off, and EPS, judging by the results they now get from the two hydroelectric power plants, just hit it off.
The hydroelectric power plants “Djerdap 1” and “Zvornik” recorded records in the daily production of electricity yesterday, the company Electric Power Industry of Serbia announced.
“26.336 million kilowatt-hours flowed from HPP Djerdap 1, our largest hydroelectric power plant, that day, while 2.827 million kilowatt-hours were produced at HPP Zvornik,” the EPS statement reads.
According to EPS, these two records are significant because they are a direct result of the revitalizations done.
In HPP “Zvornik”, the revitalization of four units was completed at the end of January, while in HPP “Đerdap1” the revitalization of the last, sixth unit should start soon.
Since the beginning of operation, HPP Djerdap 1 has produced 273.3 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity.
“In the 65-year-long history of HPP “Zvornik”, an absolute daily record in electricity production has now been achieved and the plan has been exceeded by 173 percent.”
This record was achieved by the operation of all four revitalized units, with an average water flow of four times 171.5 cubic meters per second, with an average power of four times 29.45 megawatts (MW).
The new generators, under the current hydrological conditions, produce about 20 percent more energy than the old generators, they point out in EPS.
“Revitalizations contribute to higher electricity production, lower maintenance costs and extend the life of hydropower plants for another 30 to 40 years,” the statement said, Mondo reports.

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Serbia Energy News