The South-East European Eco Forum – a Successful Business Synergy
29-31 May 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria, Organizer: Via Expo Ltd.
The South-East Europen Forum is one of the major b2b initiatives in the Region and incorporates four concurrent events: Congress & Exhibition on Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EE & RE), Smart Buildings Exhibition, SEE Solar Exhibition and ‘Save the Planet’ – Conference & Exhibition on Waste Management, Recycling and Environment.
The Exhibitions
● Targeted at the Regional market, the exhibitions provide participants with a quick market entry opportunity and connect them with new partners.
● The exhibition scope: energy efficiency, building automation, bio-, wind-, solar-, geothermal- and hydro energy, waste management and recycling.
● 10 moths before the opening of the 2013 edition, ¼ of the exhibition area is already booked.
The Austrian environmental know-how will be presented at the Austrian pavilion for the third consecutive year. There will be again Austrian Showcase organized by the Austrian Trade department.
The EE & RE Congress and ‘Save the Planet’ Conference
● The events will emphasize best practices and shape the challenges in the environmental sectors in South-East Europe.
● Keynote speakers from the European Commission, World Alliance for Decentralized Energy (WADE), German Biogas and Bioenergy Society (GERBIO), International Solid Waste Association (ISWA), European Federation of Waste Management and Environmental Services (FEAD), European Suppliers of Waste to Energy Technology (ESWET), Association for Waste Treatment and Recycling Technology within VDMA, etc.
● Sessions: smart energy storage, project financing, waste management, recycling, waste prevention and waste-to-energy.
Testimonials EE & RE and SEE Solar
Testimonials ‘Save the Planet’