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Zero compromise in fight against grey economy

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The government is continuing to fight the grey economy resolutely and there will be no compromise there.

Serbian PM Ana Brnabic said this on Wednesday at the 4th annual conference Way Out of Grey Economy.

“There will be absolutely no compromise in fighting it because that is the only way to ensure fair conditions to businesses that operate in compliance with the laws and pay taxes. We can ensure a better quality of life to all Serbian citizens,” Brnabic said at the conference, where a new national program on curbing the grey economy was unveiled.

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She said a new 2019/2020 action plan included 36 measures and 153 activities.

The national program aims to reduce the scale of operations in the “grey zone” by almost 200 mln euros and to transfer at least 11,000 workers and 9,000 companies to the zone of legal operations in the next two years.

Source; B92

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Serbia Energy News